Pregnant - baby
Expecting? Get to know us!
Pregnancy is a blissful time. But you also experience a lot of physical and mental changes and you have to arrange a lot for your (future) child. Huis van het Kind will be happy to assist you.
We'd like to get to know you a bit better. This way we can work together to find out how we can best support you, both before and after childbirth. Send an email with your name, address and phone number to and we'll contact you as soon as possible.
You can also already sign up at the website of Kind en Gezin !
Follow-up and monitoring your pregnancy
During your pregnancy, it's recommended to have a follow-up. Who can you contact? How to find the right healthcare professionals in Brussels?
Both during pregnancy and after the birth of your child, you are welcome at an anchor point for information and advice on pregnancy, breastfeeding, nutrition and the care and education of your child, free of charge.
During the consultation hour for childcare you can ask all your questions about childcare, free of charge.
Materiel support
- Pamperbank: diapers
- Babytheek: lending system for baby equipment
Play together
- Baboes: during baboes, your baby can play with other children and discover new things in your presence.
- Other activities for (futur) parents with or without children
Photo: Lies Engelen Photography